The Survivors of Suicide group was the first support group at Nuçi’s Space.

Over 20 years ago Linda Phillips started this group before Nuçi’s Space was open or even completed, so strong is the community need for such a group. Now you can find us in Linda’s Room at Nuçi’s Space. Still meeting every third Wednesday of the month at 5:30pm. We cry, we laugh, we remember… and month by month we learn to understand and accept our grief and our loss. And we heal.

The Survivors of Suicide (SOS) group is for the loved ones left behind. It is a free group open to anyone who has lost a loved one to suicide. Kathy is now the person who facilitates the group; she is a survivor herself, healed after losing her son and finding her way to us. She is a warm compassionate woman who gives us hope that we, too, can heal with time.

Email for more information.
If you’d like to be added to an email list where you will be notified about SOS meetings, please sign up here.