Want to perform your songs to the masses all while supporting our mission of suicide prevention? We’ve got you covered! 

Nuçi’s Space has been a staple of the Athens Music Community for over 20 years. Home to the iconic St. Mary’s Steeple (where R.E.M. held their debut performance), there is an undeniable magic to each and every performance at our venue. Artists using our stage are welcome to a fleet of backlined gear and equipment, marketing feedback and guidance, and a team dedicated not only to hosting great shows, but to showing artists how they deserve to be treated. 

  • Complimentary backlined gear/equipment (per request/approval) 

  • Marketing/promotion opportunities/guidance/assistance 

  • Recorded shows

  • Meals and drink tickets provided for artists


You must have a basic knowledge of your instrument and feel comfortable enough with your musical ability to be able to play with other musicians.

For our programming and community services, we strive to remain open to each and every individual who needs our help. For our live shows, however, the bands/artists we select to perform are functioning as representatives of Nuçi’s Space to the larger Athens community. As such, there is an increased expectation that all performers who take our stage generally uphold and reflect our core values. 

Additionally, we strive to remain an all-ages, all-inclusive space during our live shows. While we occasionally may host a 21+ event, the majority of our live shows are open to all who wish to attend. Because of this, we ask that artists and bands performing at Nuçi’s Space are cognizant of this fact and refrain from excessively vulgar, violent or obscene language  gestures (at least while they’re on our stage). 

If you’re unsure whether or not your act is appropriate for Nuçi’s Space, please reach out to our team by emailing and we will be happy to assist you.


  • Yes, we have complimentary backlined gear and equipment available upon request. All requests will be screened by our venue operations team for approval before your performance.

  • Artists who host a live performance at Nuçi’s Space will receive a cut of the ticket sales and are able to sell merchandise during the performance. Nuçi’s Space is dedicated to its mission of suicide prevention, and we do allow artists to give back by donating their ticket sales to our organization if they choose to do so! If your performance does not require tickets, please refer to our Private Event Rentals page to book an event.

  • Yes! You are allowed to sell your merch at your live performance and are entitled to 100% of your earnings.

  • We are first and foremost a venue run for and by musicians; given that we have to close our programming for live shows, priority booking will be extended to bands/artists performing music. We also recognize the overlap between music and the rest of the arts; if you are interested in booking a non-music show or event at Nuci's, check out our Private Event page for more information or reach out to our team with any questions.

  • Here at Nuçi’s Space, your event is considered a live show when tickets are available for sale to the public. A private event does not involve ticket sales, for example a closed event (meeting, party, etc.) or a show that is free to the public. If you are unsure whether your event is a live show or private event, you can contact us at